
Browse articles submitted by SBCN members past and present

Get Coding

by Dave Ockwell-Jenner

I was recently watching a presentation from analyst firm Gartner, during which the presenter talked about us having moved to a ‘data economy’ from an ‘oil’ economy of years gone…

The Right Questions To Ask As An Entrepreneur

by Steve Bentley BA CFP

Business questions are common to me. As the owner of a few businesses, co-host of a TV show called “The Small Business Show” and a live YouTube broadcast called SBCN TV, an author…

9 Ways To Get Back On Track Today

by Melissa Papaioannou

Once upon a time, not that long ago, you were motivated, energized and determined to start your healthy lifestyle. You exercised, you ate clean, and nothing was going to get in…

Choosing A Business Coach

by Steve Bentley BA CFP

With a multitude of resources available online and elsewhere, finding a business coach is rather easy. However, finding the right coach for you and your business is another matter…

Adopting Multi Factor Authentication

by Chris Davis

As an IT solution provider, I feel it is important to try and or use everything that I recommend to my clients.  Doesn’t matter if it is hardware, software or processes if I…

3 Common Ways Data Is Lost In The Cloud

by Chris Davis

There’s a common misconception that user data in SaaS applications (i.e. Office 365, Gsuite, etc) is fully backed up. It’s more likely that an employee will delete…

Security And Automation

by Dave Ockwell-Jenner

I’ve recently been looking into some issues with a fleet of computers being infected with a ransomware threat. Fortunately, in this case, the Anti-Virus software on each computer…

How To Make Prospective Clients Aware Of Your Work

by Janet Benedict

I’ll bet you do great work with your clients. But if your clients are the only ones who know what you can do, you won’t stay in business. There are many ways to let…

Small Business Community Network (Sbcn)

by Linda Ockwell-Jenner

The Small Business Community Network (SBCN) was created and co-founded by Dave and Linda Ockwell-Jenner i 2003 to offer a community based networking organization to business…

Shortened Urls (And Qr Codes)

by Gord Cook

You’ve seen them before: the cryptic shortened URLs.  Generally speaking, these are short links to sites with long names.  Services such as,, and (…

5 Key Benefits Of Stretching

by Heather Cook

In my profession as a nutrition coach, it's very common to focus on the big picture items like eating healthy & working out, and forgetting about smaller details like say…

Sbcn Events

by Linda Ockwell-Jenner

We host regular monthly networking events, every third Wednesday evening at the WRSBC, Kitchener City Hall.  The purpose of these events is obviously the networking…