What We Offer

The Small Business Community Network (SBCN) is here to help you.

Members can attend our monthly networking events for free and have the opportunity to feature as a presenter at one of these events.

Our SBCN members directory is the single source for trusted small businesses. Why not add your business to the directory... free with your membership.

Running a small business can be challenging. Whether you're experiencing difficulty building your brand, or ready to grow your business, our virtual mentoring connects you one-on-one with our experts.

Content is still king! By publishing your articles on the SBCN web site, and contributing to our Facebook and LinkedIn groups, you can find a wider audience and showcase your expertise.

The popular SBCN Small Biz Podcast has been running since 2012 featuring interest-grabbing discussions with small business experts just like you. Members can schedule a podcast chat with SBCN Co-Founder Linda Ockwell-Jenner.

Become a Member

You can join the Small Business Community Network (SBCN) online. We have two membership options to suit your needs:

  • $100/year: Save over 30% by paying up-front for a year with our Annual Plan. This is the best value for money and ideally suited for professional business owners serious about business networking.
  • $12/month: Alternatively, choose our Monthly Plan. You will automatically be billed every month for your SBCN membership, and you may cancel at any time. This is ideal to see if the SBCN is the right fit for you.

To get started, fill out the registration form. Don't forget to include the details you'd like to see listed in our Members Directory. Once you have completed the registration form, you'll be able to select whether you'd like the Annual Plan, or the Monthly Plan. Securely enter your credit card details and our activation team will get you up and running in no time!

NOTE: our subscription plans automatically renew. You may cancel at any time, manage or change your subscription and payment details.