You are at a networking event or business conference and you are in a conversation with someone you just met and feeling trapped. You do not want to be rude, but you want to…
Browse articles submitted by SBCN members past and present

How To Gracefully Exit A Conversation
by Janet Benedict

Social Selling Through Linkedin
by Tom Fournier
By Tom Fournier, Sales Strategist Writing on Business to Business SellingHave you been considering a social selling initiative?Why should this be a consideration?…

The Small Business Show
by Linda Ockwell-Jenner
Becoming a Motivational SpeakerI began my life as a business owner by becoming a motivational speaker. Having no business or corporate background I was a complete newbie. The year…

What Is Time Blocking
by Janet Benedict
(Caution this article is lengthy, but well worth it if you struggle with time management)Is your day packed absolutely packed or did you pack your day?What’s the difference? Your…

Why Get A Penetration Test?
by Dave Ockwell-Jenner
Don't worry. It doesn't hurt! A penetration test (regularly referred to as a 'pentest' - although no pens are involved) is a form of cyber security assessment conducted by a…

Are You A Financial Turtle?
by Sylvia Greschner
Have you heard of the TURTLE EFFECT?As we know a turtle is provided with a protective shell surrounding his body. It provides them protection from predators and the elements…

5 Rules Of Forming Habits That Will Stick
by Janet Benedict
You want to change your life. You’ve got a goal in mind. What can you do to ensure that you achieve success? You know that you will need to adopt certain success habits. The…

October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
by Linda Ockwell-Jenner
i speak from my heart, not a script.Being a 3 time cancer survivor does not mean I know how everyone else who is facing cancer feels.What I do know is when I am on the stage…

Recorded Future Interview With Linda Ockwell-Jenner
by Linda Ockwell-Jenner
As well as being the co-founder of the Small Business Community Network (SBCN) I also own and operate Motivational Steps, 'Motivational Steps™ is a leading consulting and…

Sbcn Special Event June
by Linda Ockwell-Jenner
In the same time frame as a regular monthly networking event 7pm 9pm, In lieu of a guest presentation, our attendees formed teams to produce marketing content for the launch…

Big Attacks Against Small Business
by Dave Ockwell-Jenner
If I had a dollar for every time a small business concluded that cyber attacks wouldn't target them, I'd be a rich man! Even now in 2019, there is a strong headwind of thought…

Momentum Impetus For Change Series Of Videos
by Linda Ockwell-Jenner
My business, Motivational Steps came into being to create awareness about many of the issues facing us today.I share my message via my keynotes when I am invited to speak at…