
Browse articles submitted by SBCN members past and present

I Am Not A Failure

by Linda Ockwell-Jenner

Being a small business owner has never been easy, and I will admit It’s been difficult since the pandemic, but I know I still have more to offer. I have clambered over many…

10 Steps To Starting A Business In Canada

by Sergey Pavlov

A small business in Canada is a great way to start out on your own. You’ll make an impact while you create something new. How to start a small business in Canada?Start Your…

Dealing With Anxiety During The Holidays

by Janet Benedict

 The holiday season has begun! As excited as I am about it, the chaos of it all can feed my anxiety. There are so many things to do, so many places to go, and so many people…

Can I Manage My Business And Have Some Down Time This Summer?

by Janet Benedict

Managing Your Business for the SummerManaging your small business for the summer….. can you serve your business and enjoy some summer fun?Most people like to take holidays in the…

You Are Worth More Than You Think!

by Janet Benedict

Thoughts People with High Self-Worth Have The most confident and happy people we know are the ones who have high self-worth. But how did they get that way? Are some people…

A Step-By-Step Guide To Building A Website

by Sergey Pavlov

12 Planning Steps The process of creating a website for your business can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. With 12 simple planning steps and the right knowledge…

Why Doing Your Books Brings Out Your Inner Child...and What To Do About It

by Peter Piluk

Do you remember a time from your childhood when you really didn't want to do something? Did you ignore it hoping it would go away or did you angrily stomp your feet hoping whoever…

Turning Negativity Into Positivity

by Janet Benedict

We are surrounded with so much negativity in the world and all around us. News of death, war, riots, and anger/road rage seems to be everywhere. Each time you turn on the news or…

Spring Cleaning Your Business

by Janet Benedict

Coming soon!! The time of year when flowers are budding, birds are chirping, and warmer winds are blowing. It’s also a time when people purge their houses of dirt, dust, and…

Happy Valentines Day

by Janet Benedict

Every year on Valentines Day we celebrate and acknowledge our significant other, loved ones, family, friends, pets and post such on social media to a wider audience.As we…

More Of The Same

by Janet Benedict

Last year in January I wrote about pivoting and adapting.  Well this year is more of the same but let's take it one step further.Many people have either found themselves out…

Kw Real Estate Market Update

by Ian Inglis

SURPRISE! You Like surprises dont you? If you have not bought or Sold a home in the last 10-15 years I think you might be surprised as to the value of your Home in the current RED…