
Browse articles submitted by SBCN members past and present

Always Learning

by Dave Ockwell-Jenner

Are you a life-long learner? Of course, we’d all like to answer yes, but is learning a passion, or a chore? Working with many small businesses over the years, it seems clear there…

Other Then Cold Calling

by Steve Bentley BA CFP

Is cold calling dead? I don’t think so quite yet. Its vitals may be in critical condition and almost on life support. Yet, some people still use, and are taught, to cold call.…

The Will To Begin To Win

by Steve Bentley BA CFP

Something that seems to be a recurring challenge in discussions with small business owners is their self-drive and being assertive in pursuit of success. It means eliminating and…

The Benefits Of Sbcn Membership

by Linda Ockwell-Jenner

I want to share with you all via the Hub Newsletter the many benefits SBCN Members can enjoy. This is purely a reminder that all the benefits are there for you to take advantage…

Think Like Your Customer

by Linda Ockwell-Jenner

 I have been in business over 16 years and if it's one thing I know for sure, its the fact that not everyone can be your target market. When I started my first business…

The Cost Of Acquiring Clients

by Steve Bentley BA CFP

Every business should look at its cost of customer acquisition. The old business adage goes, "You can't manage what you don't measure." Yet we fail to measure these costs. We…

Do You Have A Sales Pitch?

by Linda Ockwell-Jenner

There are so many pitch perfect business owners out there today, and if you have no idea what to say to your would be client, then you are going to lose the sale.My solution many…

Sbcn Celebrates 13Th Birthday Anniversary November 2017

by Linda Ockwell-Jenner

  Thank You everyone who has supported the Small Business Commnity Network (SBCN) over the past 13 years. Dave Ockwell-Jenner and myself, Linda Ockwell-Jenner, co-…

The Internet Of… Disaster?

by Dave Ockwell-Jenner

September and October 2016 have been interesting months for many in the cyber security world. The Internet, and more specifically users of it, have long had to deal with a type of…

Small Business Storytelling

by Steve Bentley BA CFP

In my profession, there are two very effective sales techniques: personal experiences and the art of storytelling. These tactics have been established through many years of…

Energy Savings With Home Control

by Nathan Parsons

Energy savings is certainly a hot topic right now.  With the cost of hydro rising rapidly, everyone is concerned with cutting energy costs and saving money.  Most people…

Making Small Businesses Appear Bigger

by Steve Bentley BA CFP

Competing with larger businesses can sometimes be a challenge for small business owners. This is echoed by a lot of small businesses that I have mentored. Its hard enough to get a…