SBCN Small Biz Podcast

The Small Business Community Network (SBCN) Small Biz Podcast. Featuring interviews with CEOs and other small business leaders, the latest new trends and tips for your successful business. Hosted by SBCN Co-Founder Linda Ockwell-Jenner, the SBCN Small Biz Podcast would be of interest to people thinking about starting a small business, or small business owners who want valuable insights for growth.

Listen below, or scroll to the bottom for how to subscribe to the SBCN Small Biz Podcast.

Vittoria Trinchi, Homewood Suites

In our latest episode we welcome Vittoria Trinchi from Homewood Suites, part of the Hilton group of hotels. Vittoria speaks with Linda Ockwell-Jenner about career growth in hospitality.

Marketing with Todd

Todd Foster from Canadian National Mortgage Corp. rejoined Linda Ockwell-Jenner for our SBCN Small Biz Perspectives video series. Listen to the discussion here.

Marketing with Sylvia

SBCN Co-Founder Linda Ockwell-Jenner returns with Sylvia Greschner from SG Money Coach to discuss marketing and a variety of other topics in a fascinating discussion. 

Your Inner Critic

Jessica Sloan of Inspired Living joins SBCN Co-Founder Linda Ockwell-Jenner to discuss the role of the inner critic.

Todd Foster, Simplifying the Mortgage World

Linda Ockwell-Jenner joins Todd Foster of Canadian National Mortgage Corp. They discuss the difference between various financial institutions to allow homebuyers to make the best choices for themselves. 

Sylvia Greschner, SG Money Coach

Sylvia Greschner of SG Money Coach spends some time chatting with SBCN Co-Founder Linda Ockwell-Jenner. Originally recorded as part of our SBCN Small Biz Perspectives series.

Quantum Physics and the Energy of Healing

Linda Ockwell-Jenner returns with Diane Krompart to cover Quantum Physics and the energy of healing! 

Highly Sensitive People

Linda Ockwell-Jenner is joined by Diane Krompart to talk about highly sensitive people and how Diane's healing programs can help.

About Motivational Steps

Linda Ockwell-Jenner returns with Steve Bentley to chat a little about about her business Motivational Steps, her leading consulting and personal development company in Ontario, Canada. 

The Stress Connection

Linda Ockwell-Jenner is joined again by Jessica Sloan from Inspired Living to continue the conversation on wellness and it’s impact on business. In today’s chat, Jessica and Linda discuss the ‘stress connection’.