SBCN Small Biz Podcast

The Small Business Community Network (SBCN) Small Biz Podcast. Featuring interviews with CEOs and other small business leaders, the latest new trends and tips for your successful business. Hosted by SBCN Co-Founder Linda Ockwell-Jenner, the SBCN Small Biz Podcast would be of interest to people thinking about starting a small business, or small business owners who want valuable insights for growth.

Listen below, or scroll to the bottom for how to subscribe to the SBCN Small Biz Podcast.

Interview with Diane Krompart

Linda Ockwell-Jenner spends time chatting with Diane Krompart Coach & Mentor with Sensitive Soul Coaching and Mentoring, about working with highly sensitive people. They discuss the myth of the quick fix and how highly sensitive people experience the work world around them.

Don't Try to Sell to Strangers

Linda Ockwell-Jenner and Steve Bentley return for another episode of SBCN Small Biz Podcast. In this episode they discuss the pitfalls of trying to sell to strangers!

Multi Generational Networking

SBCN Co-Founder Linda Ockwell-Jenner and Northern River Financial's Steve Bentley return to discuss Multi-Generational Networking. The discussion highlights the benefits of network with all age ranges.

Social Selling

SBCN Co-Founder Linda Ockwell-Jenner is joined by Northern River Financial's Steve Bentley for an online chat about social selling.

Interview with Clint Sinding

Linda Ockwell-Jenner is joined by Clint Sinding of the Elite Training Facility where they discuss optimum maintenance of fitness, not just in the gym, but through diet and other aspects. The importance of eating healthily and in a way compatible with our lives, is critical to supporting fitness in their lifestyle. 

Interview with Dorothy Sinding

Dorothy Sinding joins SBCN Co-Founder Linda Ockwell-Jenner in the latest episode of the SBCN Small Biz Podcast. Registered massage therapist, Dorothy, discusses the benefits of hot stone massage therapy, and how it can help ensure we’re tuned-up for the demands of business.

The TELUS Small Business Challenge

SBCN Co-Founder Linda Ockwell-Jenner welcomes returning guest Stephen Currado from TELUS Business Solutions to discuss the TELUS Small Business Challenge, now in it’s sixth year. The event, hosted and funded by TELUS promises the winner $100,000 and other resources to help grow the winner’s business. 

Interview with Tim Campbell

Linda Ockwell-Jenner chats with a new member of the Small Business Community Network (SBCN), Tim Campbell of Relation Media. Tim and Linda explore what it’s like being the owner of a relatively new small business, and some of the differences in networking in different places. Tim also shares some of the steps he’s taken in setting up a solid foundation for the business.

TELUS Gives Back

Joining Linda Ockwell-Jenner is Stephen Currado from TELUS Business Solutions to talk about some of the ways in which TELUS gives back to the community. TELUS Days of Giving, now in it’s 12th year, are a series of events taking place from coast-to-coast in Canada. To celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday this year, TELUS are aiming to do 1,000,000 hours of giving—a phenomenal goal! 

Doing Business in Québec

Celebrating our 100th episode, Linda Ockwell-Jenner chats with Kerstin Kramer, owner of Premier Focus Translations, a company focused on helping companies do business in other languages. In this episode, we focus on doing business in Québec, and dealing with Québeçois buyers and the market in Canada’s unique province—a topic which Kerstin has written about previously.