What Sets You Apart?

What sets you apart from the hundreds of thousands of others in a sales capacity.  Whether it is a product or service, your number one product is YOU!

Let me say that again, your number one product is YOU!!

Be your authentic self and offer value every time.

Here are 5 things that in my opinion are key to setting you apart from others.

1.  Educate yourself!

Knowledge is power and I think we can all agree on that.  To be able to sell products you must have some solid knowledge in your bank to give to customers.  Make sure you know the top 3-5 products that your company sells and learn their main selling points.  That is a good place to start and add more as you are able.  The more you know, the more you will sell.

Be aware of your competition, what do you offer that perhaps they do not or not to the level you do.  Not to beat down your competition, oh no… that is just nasty and will not make you stand out.  Always applaud your competition for what they have done and offer what you feel will be more beneficial to your customer. 

Ask questions of other people you know in sales, especially in your industry.  Who are reaching sales goals consistently and what/how are they doing it?  Most successful people are willing to share their knowledge

2.  Choose your target audience!

When you look at your target audience what do they look like, where do they spend their time, what shopping habits do they have.  You do not necessarily have to relate, but you will have a better idea how to sell to them. 

You will also want to learn everything you can about products that will speak to that audience and sell the benefits.

3.  Write about it!

When we are passionate about what we do then speaking or writing on it becomes second nature.  Maybe you can share some real-life stories (of course with permission of the person concerned).  You do not need to use names, just the experience.

You can do this in a blog or as an article for a newsletter.  Many people who write newsletters are looking for content.  Connect with others that put out newsletters and see if they will share your information in exchange for you sharing theirs.  Win-Win!

4.  Speak about it!

Do you belong to any networking groups, associations?  They are often looking for people to present at their meetings.  Check out service clubs, community centres, employment or service agencies that help others find work or retrain them.   Have you ever approached anyone about speaking at a future meeting?

Speaking gives you credibility.  Practice your presentation, make sure you have all the facts and can confidently share your knowledge.  I know nerves and distractions can get in the way.  I honestly found Toastmasters helpful to me and you might want to check out one in your area.

How long will you have to speak……cater your presentation to what time allotment you have been given.  Ask family or friends to listen to your presentation and ask for their honesty and feedback. 

If you do slip up and forget a piece of your presentation, do not sweat it, the audience has no idea what you are going to say.  If it is important you can always include it in a follow up message/email.

If your presentation is really involved and big and you are only given 10 or 20 minutes to present, then think of your presentation as a full-length movie and break it into a trailer, or a quick commercial.  Get creative.

5.  Gratitude

Many people do not want to be sold to but do want the opportunity to buy.  Do not push the customer, but instead listen to their objections and always be grateful for their feedback.  Give them the space to make their own decisions, it will reflect well on you and potentially garner future sales.

Every conversation should end with a thank you whether you sold them or not.  Always follow up!  If a sale was made, send a note thanking them.  If no sale made let them know how much you appreciated their time and hope you can work with them in the future.

Oh, the life of someone in sales…… yes, the customer is always right even when we think they are not!

Enjoy the experience and the knowledge you are gaining.