Getting Ready For Business

With many businesses returning to work this signifies the beginning of the new normal for corporate and small businesses.

Sadly, not all businesses have survived the pandemic.

If you are feeling business is still on the quiet side, this is a great time to check out your website to see if there are updates you need to make, such as changes in your hours, or new products or services.

For the small biz owners who have been wondering how to move forward I am sharing some simple ideas that will increase your online brand presence.

  • Audit your connections on all of your social media platforms. This will assist you when you re-connect with some of your connections.
  • List those of your connections who you feel are referrers, mentors, sponsors etc.

Now you are ready to share your content on your various social media platforms. The idea is to target the connections you have in lists, with content that appeals to their particular industry.

For instance, if you have a list of health professionals on LinkedIn, as an example, share content that relates to that demographic. If the content applies to any of your health professional connections tag them in your posts.

The next step is to measure the success of your content, and a simplified process I share with my clients is to make a list of connections who like, share, or comment on your content. That will help you decide which of your connections are actually taking notice of your content, which means you have similar interests. Like attracts like. This leads to conversations and strong, trusted relationships. If you have hundreds of connections, obviously choose the connections you already have an idea you would like to work with in some way.

Another simple way to encourage others to take notice of you and announce you are ready for business is to share your newsletter, consistently, so that your subscribers are kept in the loop.

Last but not least if you have not attended any virtual networking events at all during the past few months now is the time to do just that. As I mentioned earlier our brand should always be present so our target market and, of course, our competitors are always aware of us. Attending virtual networking events allows us to learn, be seen to be seen and of course connect with other attendees.

The aim of the game is to actually play the game, and now is the time to become more active and set your goals for the success you have been working towards.