Negativity – Society Norm To Avoid By Deflecting With Positiveness

Had a thought: I am not negative but everyone who says I’m negative is truly negative. How did I come up with this? Well after several years of reading a whole bunch of books on every religion, spirituality and emotional intelligence, I realized that society has started this new vibe of being “POSITIVE”, and wow is it ever bad. Here is how I see it:

  1. Someone comes into my life and I’m pretty happy with everything.
  2. They start feeding me their garbage about how happy their life is but really it is not… (We live in a country that breeds “Live to Work” mentality)
  3.  I listen to their problems and realize that they have issues but by this point it is too late. I am sucked in.
  4. I say something that is causing me anguish
  5. I am labeled as negative by this person

What is interesting?  These people full of negativity try to be positive, wasting all their energy on a process that eventually fails. They suppress their emotions and hold everything in attempting to be positive. The break eventually comes… my frustration is dealing with people who tell me I am negative…

Example: I have no money in my account and I’m bitching about it because my clients are not paying me… response, bro don’t be negative!

Really? That’s being negative? That being realistic! I am actually asking for help in this scenario. One aspect of this help is that I want someone to listen and the other is that I need a solution. What happens though? People see this as negative. I will tell you what negative is in my eyes:

  1. Starts with someone thinking they can’t do something.
  2. They try in a mediocre way and they fail.
  3. Then they try again in the same way and fail again.
  4.  They repeat and bam! They are in a loop.
  5.  They don’t try to change the loop and it just continues knowing they will keep failing!

How do you deal with negativity?

Well firstly you need to understand whether you have a problem with something or not. If it’s a problem and can be fixed easy… then fix it. If it is a problem that continually arises, then you have this “negativity” that will start to build.  It is not the problem you have to fix but the process you are in that creates these similar problems.  Analyzing the process is not simple and generally needs you to dedicate a lot of time! So be patient, breath and keep going!

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