You Need To Be Aware In Order To Be A Social Networker, Be Healthy, Have Happy Relationships

Awareness is one of the most important things that we can practise. When we are born we are very aware of everything that is going on around us, as we grow older we tend to tune out of some things, whether they are certain noises, pains we may be experiencing in our bodies, reading whole sentences, which in essence makes us less aware.

Being aware of who we are, knowing our personality type and how we interrace with others is useful, not only in business, but in all relationships. Take, for example a relationship between husband and wife and one of them realises that something is wrong with their marriage and suggests that talking about the challenge may help them. The person who makes the suggestion was obviously very aware something was not right, in order for the other person to come on board they also have to be made aware that there is a problem. They can only help themselves if they want to be made aware.

As most people are aware by now my passion is health & wellness, I truly believe that our health & wellness dictates what kind of life we can lead and whether we can be successful in whatever we chose to do in life. Having a healthy body, mind and spirit is not hard work, it is as easy as leading a balanced lifestyle and eating a healthy diet, and practising moderate exercise. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, not once but twice, it meant I had to take time off work for treatment and then to heal, physically and mentally. In my case I had no idea why I had to go through that challenge twice, but I do know my immune system was strong and I believe this helped me fight cancer. Even a common cold can stop us from having a good day, and sometimes means we have to stay in bed and not go out to work or shopping. Being aware of the changes in our body, looking for those important signs and listening to our instincts are all crucial and can mean life or death in some cases!

Another example could be being aware that there is something we cannot do, that means that we have a choice to make. Do we try and do whatever it is that we feel we cannot do, either by trial and error, or do we ask someone else to do whatever it is. In the end everything we do in life is about awareness and if we have lost the art of being aware we must work towards practising awareness in every sense of the word.

I am an avid Social Networker but I have an awareness when  I am connecting to people why I want to connect with them and, also, how I can help those people.  Obviously I could connect to everyone in the world if I so wished, but what would be the point of that? Again, this is where the awareness comes in useful, otherwise I would be wasting my time when I am working on my Social Networking.

My examples are a few of the areas where awareness is not only important but useful and once we attune ourselves to opening up our minds and being more aware the benefits will be obvious!