Treks First Day At Work

Trek explained to me he has his own website and that he would only sign a contract of employment if we agreed travel was a crucial part of his job as company director, and to be honest, he could only keep me company if he was actually with me. After Trek had inspected my home office and decided it was an ok place I explained that there was not much work to do as it was late Friday afternoon but on Saturday we would be going to a festival in the town where I live and he might find that fun! I am finding it nice to have Trek with me wherever I go, I popped him in my purse when we drove to the Beer Tasting Festival and he kept an eye on my camera and made sure I did not lose it. Even though Saturday is not an official work day I thought Trek might find the festival to be of interest and might even meet some bear friends. In fact, Trek ended up being a very naughty bear, but it was partly my fault. I was sitting down with my husband sampling some of the local beer and listening to a guy who looked remarkably like Elvis and even sang like him and I did not notice what Trek was doing. One minute he was sitting on the table resting against my glass and the next thing I know he is laying face down on the table and my glass, which should have been full of beer was now empty.