Small Business Community Network (Sbcn)

Is your business moving forward? Are you known in your local community? Is your brand recognizable? If your answer is NO then it's time to commit to consistent business and social networking via the Small Business Community Network (SBCN). We are the forerunners in this field. We assist you with all of your networking needs, from the very beginner to the more accomplished business networker. The world has changed, today it's not just about turning up at an event and selling, it's about building those all important relationships.

The SBCN has over 11 years experience in this field.

How did we begin our epic journey 11 years ago?

As a brand new small biz owner, with no corporate background and no idea what building a business meant, or any knowledge of networking, I found myself struggling to be noticed by my would be clients. I did it the hard way - I built a successful speaking business, Motivational Steps, with no social media around at that time, and by doing lots of research and writing articles and submitting them anywhere and everywhere. I knew that I needed an online presence and had no idea how to do that other than by writing articles and having them published online.

Apart from the Chamber events and BNI there was not an abundance of smaller networking events around ( unlike today when there are so many to chose from). I had no budget to network and could not work out how to network properly, and I did not have a mentor way back then, so I was stuck.

The year was 2001 - by 2003 I had successfully achieved my goal and I was running a successful speaking business!

I realised that other people were in the same situation I had been in, they had no idea how to build a business from scratch and how networking could help them. The other points I considered were:


  • If you have no idea what networking is how can you be successful?
  • Not everyone has a budget to network, so affordability was crucial.
  • Offering friendly, informative & beneficial networking events was key.
  • Knowing consistency when networking could assist building your brand to become recognized.
  • Partnering social media and traditional face to face networking was the key.
  • Building trusted relationships opens many doors and offers many referrals.

I came up with the idea to start the Small Business Community Network (SBCN) and invited my husband and business partner to be the other co-founder. Over the years the SBCN has grown and helped many people become successful.

In the early days, for at least 18 months we did not sell anything to the people who attended the SBCN events. How could we sell if we had no idea what the people wanted? We realized the need for a Membership and other benefits when the small biz owners began asking for more. We had grown our credibility, and we were consistent and trusted by small and large business owners by the time 2005 came around.

The way we built the SBCN is similar to how you can build your small business or if you are a larger business struggling with the concept of business networking online and face to face.

It's now 2015 and this November we will be celebrating 12 years, the Small Business Community Network (SBCN) is a trusted organization and we help thousands of people move forward with their business.