Six Great Full Blessings Of Canadian Business!

Six Great full Blessings of Canadian Business!


The lifestyle of entrepreneurs can be full of highs and lows. While we try to be thankful every day, it’s human nature to focus more on the challenges than it is to ponder just how fortunate we are to do business in Canada.  Thanksgiving reminds us of many rights, freedoms and benefits that we too often take for granted.

  1. Business Freedom – Anyone can start a business in Canada and we’re reasonably free to do business as we see fit.  We don’t have to bribe officials, be a certain gender, or worry that a change in government could bring it all down around our ears. Instead, we all enjoy security, support and incentives.
  2. Open Internet Access – Whenever we hear that a country has blocked access to Twitter, Google, or another website, we’re reminded that without the freedom of open Internet access we could not do business.
  3. Trade Agreements – Canada’s healthy relationship with many other countries allows us to take our business to an international level.
  4. Cultural Diversity – Canada is a diverse nation rich in culture.  Immigrants from many countries bring new products, ideas and business practices. The knowledge and sensitivity we’re accustomed to better equips us to compete on an International level.  One cannot remember our forefathers settling in Canada without also remembering that someone’s family is settling here every day, continuing to build this great country.
  5. Equality – Be it cultural, gender-based, physical or mental, Canada is miles ahead of some countries when it comes to equality.  The rest of the year we’re often focused on the work left to do in this regard, but on Thanksgiving we can take a look around the world and remember how lucky we are to even have social equality, let alone at the business level.
  6. Economic Stability – In recent years the world has been drowning in economic woes, but by comparison to other countries the Canadian economy is relatively stable. While it could be better and it should be better, one only has to look around at the world’s collapsing economies to be reminded that we’re doing OK.