How To Work A Room

I meet so many people who think they know how to work a room when networking but by observing them I see that they really have no idea. A couple of things not to do:

  1. Stick like glue to the people you know really well. The purpose of networking is to meet new connections, how can you do that if you are in a clique with people you already know? Obviously greet and say a few words to the people you know well, and then move on to meet new people.
  2. Rush around the room and interrupt conversations, that's rude either-ways. Then insisting people take your business card once you have their attention, before you move on to the next group of people conversing, is just not the way to influence people and make trusted relationships.

The above two pointers are the tip of the iceberg, I go into more detail in my best selling book, Business Networking in a Nutshell, Secrets From The Social Sweetheart.

I will share a couple of things that work well for most people that are simple ways to work a room and be noticed:

  • When you are chatting with a group of people you already know at a networking event, be on the look out for people who are standing by looking for a chance to be included in the conversation. Be the person to introduce yourself, and then introduce the new person to the others in the group. This instils trust, the new person will want to get to know more about you, and this normally leads to a long term trusted relationship.
  • Don't give your business cards to everyone you meet, take the time to find out about them first and foremost. Always ask first if you do want to offer them a business card. Look at the business card you are given, and take an interest in it. Mention something that you like about someone's business card, they will appreciate this.
  • Do you always shake someone's hand when you meet them, and if so, do you offer your hand first? If the person seems to back away from you, maybe they prefer not to shake your hand, it could be a cultural thing, or even a fear of germs. Offer a friendly smile, and if you are a hugger, remember not everyone will be open to a hug.

Working a room has a lot more to it than just entering a networking event, stomping around with your business cards, eating, drinking and trying to sell to everyone you meet. People will judge you on your appearance, the message you share, your manners, and much more.

Working a room has a lot more to it than just entering a networking event, stomping around with your business cards, eating, drinking and trying to sell to everyone you meet. People will judge you on your appearance, the message you share, your manners, and much more.

If you want to make a lasting impression and increase your brand visibility, knowing how to work a room and become the person everyone wants to get to know is quite simple. A quote from my book, Business Networking in a Nutshell, "No one knows who you are, No one cares who you are, Your competitors would like to keep it that way". How to work a room successfully is the gold you have been searching for without even knowing it.