$Elling Home$ For Lutherwood

I am excited to announce that my new charitable initiative for 2015 is to help support Lutherwood, and create more awareness in our local community about Children’s mental health.

Did you Know?

Approximately one in five children and youth in Ontario has a mental health challenge. About 70% of mental health challenges have their onset in childhood or youth. That’s why early identification and intervention is so critical and can lead to improved achievement in school and better health outcomes in life.

The most common mental health issues for children and youth are anxiety, ADHD, depression, mood disorders, schizophrenia, and eating disorders.

The campaign is called  ‘$elling Home$ for Lutherwood’, so look for this slogan on all my signs, advertising, and social media.

To achieve this I am committed to donating a portion of my commission every time I sell a home in 2015, and my goal is to raise $5,000 to give back to Lutherwood!

Watch our short video to learn more.

Help me achieve my goal by contacting:

Ian Inglis, Broker, RE/MAX Solid Gold Realty (II) Ltd. Brokerage

519-888-7110 - ianinglis@remaxsolidgold.biz